Time is precious. Life is precious. You are precious.

Join us in making the time to take care of your whole self - body, mind and heart.

Upcoming Retreats

Foundations of Whole Health

Nourish. Move. Rest. Connect. 




Our body works wonders when it is provided with the raw materials for health. These include whole foods, clean water and access to nature. At a Presh retreat, these will be supplied in abundance. From delicious, nutrient-packed meals to gorgeous natural settings, spending time on a Presh retreat will allow you to experience the feeling of being truly nourished. 

Our souls also need nourishment to thrive. At Presh retreats you'll have opportunities for reflection, journaling and conversation about your life's purpose and heart's desires.




Our bodies crave motion. But many of us move too little, while others move with too much intensity or repetition. Either way, we undermine all other efforts to find optimal health without regular and balanced movement. And often we focus so much on the physical goals of exercise that we overlook the potential for finding joyful forms of movement that invigorate the spirit as well. 

At Presh retreats we provide opportunities for a wide variety of movement, intentionally chosen to enliven both body and spirit. From vigorous to restorative yoga, from silent walking meditation to dance parties, movement is an integral part of our retreats. 




As a society, we are forgetting the value of reserving time to do nothing. Not only does skimping on sleep and rest stifle productivity and creativity, but it can also have serious consequences for our health. The right amount, consistency and quality of sleep – as well as taking time out to do nothing - are vital to our holistic well-being. The brain performs disease-preventing clean-ups while we sleep. And when we quiet our minds, we allow it the space for restoration, renewal and creativity.  

Much of the value of a Presh retreat comes from the opportunity it creates to step outside of our daily routines and obligations, and simply rest. We’ll teach you about the incredible healing power of sleep and leave you plenty of time for it. There will also be ample opportunities for intentional resting; like meditation, massage or just lying in a forest clearing with a good book.




Humans thrive with the right kinds of connections. At Presh retreats we emphasize living in the present moment taking the time to connect deeply - with nature, with other women, and most importantly, with yourself and your life's purpose. 

At the same time, our retreats enable a period of disconnection from your real-world obligations including the never-ending influx of current events, social media and e-mails. Enjoy the opportunity to step away from all of that and step into a deeper connection with what really matters. 

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